- The FinePix A210 carries on the value-leading tradition of Fuji digital cameras by offering a 3.2 megapixel CCD and 3x optical zoom lens at a price lower than those of many competing two megapixel.
- The Fujifilm FinePix S2980 is a bridge camera announced by Fuji in 2012. This camera featuresa 18x optical zoom, a 14 megapixel sensor and full manual controls.The Fujifilm FinePix S2980 is an update to last year’s Fujifilm FinePix S2950. Under the hood, Fujifilm FinePix S2980 manual says that the camera offers you some cool features.
- Fujifilm FinePix A210 Online reviews Digital Cameras - Fuji FinePix A210 Digital Camera Review, Information, Specifications IN-DEPTH review of the Fuji FinePix A210 digital camera, with actual sample images, and a detailed data sheet.
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Quick Review
Fuji FinePix A210 Digital Camera
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High, 3.2-megapixelCCD | |
Print Sizes | Good printsto 8x10 |
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Suggested RetailPrice (at time of introduction) |
Universally known for great color and performance, Fuji has also carved outa niche for itself by consistently providing, good-quality consumer digicamsat rock-bottom prices. The latest in Fuji's line of bargain-priced camerasis the FinePix A210, the 3-megapixel twin to the two-megapixel FinePix A205.The FinePix A210 carries on the value-leading tradition of Fuji digital camerasby offering a 3.2 megapixel CCD and 3x optical zoom lens at a price lowerthan those of many competing two megapixel models. As you'd expect,the FinePix A210 trades off a few features and capabilities to achieve itsremarkably low cost, but the camera still takes good-looking pictures in daylightconditions, and is simple enough for even rank beginners to get started with.Read on for all the details, or check out my review of the FinePix A205 tosee a two-megapixel Fuji digital camera with essentially the same featureset.
(If you've already read the A205's review, you may want to just skip to theconclusions section here, as the features and operation of the A210 are virtuallyidentical to its lower-resolution sibling.)
Camera Overview
Increasing the point-and-shoot options of Fuji's FinePix line ofdigicams, the FinePix A210 is an affordable entry-level digicam that offersgood quality and value. Small, compact, and very lightweight, the A210 offersa larger, 3.2-megapixel CCD than its predecessor, along with a Fujinon 3x opticalzoom lens. Exposure control, however, remains automatic, with the convenienceof point-and-shoot control. The A210's CCD captures high enough resolution forprinting images with nice detail as large as 8x10 inches, and offers a lower-resolutionsetting for email attachments. Like its cousin the A205, the A210 sports a 3xoptical zoom lens that increases the camera's flexibility. The camera's dimensionsare just a little too large for most shirt pockets at 3.9 x 2.6 x 2.1 inches(99 x 65 x 53 millimeters), although you could feasibly stow the camera in alarger coat pocket or an average-sized purse. Despite its size, the all-plasticbody is extremely lightweight at just 7.9 ounces (225 grams), including batteriesand memory card. A sliding, built-in lens cover keeps the A210's front panelnearly flat when closed, allowing the camera to easily slip into a pocket orpurse without snagging.
The A210 is equipped with a 3x, Fujinon 5.5-16.5mm lens, equivalent to a 36-108mm lens on a 35mm camera. Aperture is automatically controlled from f/3 to f/10.8, with actual values depending on the zoom position of the lens. Focus also remains under automatic control, ranging from 2.6 feet (80 centimeters) to infinity in normal mode, with a Macro setting ranging from 3.9 inches to 3.3 feet (10 centimeters to 1 meter). The camera also offers as much as 3.2x digital zoom, but keep in mind that digital zoom decreases the overall image quality, since it only enlarges the center pixels of the CCD image. For framing shots, the A210 offers both a real-image optical viewfinder and a 1.5-inch color LCD monitor. The LCD monitor reports some camera settings, and can overlay an alignment grid. The grid divides the image area into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, making it easier to line up tricky subjects.
Exposure is automatically controlled at all times, despite the A210's selection of Auto and Manual exposure modes. (The 'Manual' setting simply expands the Record menu to include Exposure Compensation and White Balance options.) Shutter speeds range from 1/2,000 to 1/2 second, but the LCD display doesn't report it or the lens aperture setting. To determine the best exposure, the A210 employs a TTL (through-the-lens), 64-zone metering system, which averages readings taken throughout the frame for the best overall exposure. The camera's Exposure Compensation setting lets you increase or decrease the overall exposure from -2.1 to +1.5 in one-third-step increments. White balance options include an Auto setting, as well as Outdoors, Shade, Daylight Fluorescent, Warm White Fluorescent, Cool White Fluorescent, and Incandescent presets, to match most common light sources. Although it's not adjustable, the A210's sensitivity is equivalent to ISO 100, good for most average shooting conditions.
The A210's built-in flash is effective from 2.6 to 11.5 feet (0.8 to 3.5 meters) depending on the zoom setting, and operates in Auto, Red-Eye Reduction, Forced, Suppressed, or Slow-Synchro modes. In Manual mode, the flash also offers a Red-Eye Reduction with Slow-Synchro combination mode. A Self-Timer mode provides a 10-second delay between a full press of the Shutter button and the time that the shutter actually opens, helpful in self-portraits or group photos. The A210 also features a Movie mode, which captures movies without sound at either 320 x 240- or 160 x 120-pixel resolutions. Maximum recording times vary, depending on the resolution and amount of available memory space, with a maximum of 60 seconds per clip at 320 x 240 pixels, and a maximum of 240 seconds at 160 x 120 pixels (although actual movie lengths will depend on the available memory card space).
The A210 stores image files on xD-Picture Cards, and comes with a 16MB startercard. You'll want to purchase a larger size fairly soon, given the A210's maximum2,048 x 1,536-pixel resolution. (The xD-Picture Card itself is very tiny, rivalingthe popular SD memory cards in size.) The A210 uses two AA-type batteries forpower, either alkaline or NiMH, and an optional AC adapter is available. A setof single-use AA alkaline batteries comes with the camera, but I strongly recommendpurchasing a couple of sets of high-capacity NiMH batteries and a good charger,and keeping a spare set of batteries charged at all times. Clickhere to read my 'battery shootout' page to see which batteriescurrently on the market are best, or here for myreview of the Maha C-204F charger, my long-time favorite. The A210 also comeswith an adaptor for use with the separate accessory PictureCradle, which allowsquick image downloading when connected to a computer. (The camera actually fitsinto the cradle sideways, lining up the USB/Digital jack with the cradle's jack.)
Basic Features
- 3.2-megapixel CCD delivering image resolutions as high as 2,048 x 1,536pixels.
- Real-image optical viewfinder.
- 1.5-inch color LCD monitor.
- Fujinon 3x, 36-108mm (35mm equivalent) lens.
- 3.2x digital zoom.
- Automatic exposure control.
- Adjustable white balance with seven settings.
- Sensitivity equivalent to ISO 100.
- Apertures from f/3 to f/10.8.
- Shutter speeds from 1/2,000 to 1/2 second.
- Built-in flash with five modes.
- xD-Picture Card storage (16MB card included).
- Power supplied by two AA-type batteries or optional AC adapter.
- Interface software and USB drivers included for Windows and Macintosh computers.
Special Features
- Movie mode (without sound).
- 10-second Self-Timer for delayed shutter release.
- DPOF (Digital Print Order Format) compatibility.
- USB cable for connection to a computer (driver software included).
Lightweight, portable, and easy to use, the Fuji's FinePix A210 offers the point-and-shoot convenience that novices enjoy, with the benefit of a 3.2-megapixel CCD and 3x optical zoom lens. Although exposure remains under automatic control, you can adjust Exposure Compensation and White Balance if needed. A simple, straightforward user interface means little or no downtime spent learning, and makes the A210 adept at shooting on the fly. For under $300, you get the color and clarity on which Fuji has built such a strong reputation, with the convenience of a very user-friendly camera design.
Measuring 3.9 x 2.6 x 2.1 inches (99 x 65 x 53 millimeters), the A210 is better-suitedfor average coat pockets than most shirt pockets, but fits easily into mostaverage purses and comes with a wrist strap for a little extra security. Loadedwith batteries and memory card, the A210 weighs a mere 7.9 ounces (225 grams),thanks in part to the all-plastic camera body. Because of the A210's straightforwarddesign, external controls are limited and the LCD menu system is short and quickto navigate.
The A210's front panel curves gently from top to bottom without any large protrusions to snag on pockets. A sliding lens cover protects the lens when not in use, and keeps the front panel fairly smooth when the camera is off. When powered on, the lens extends about three-quarters of an inch from the front panel, and likewise retracts when the camera is turned off. Also on the front panel are the flash, flash sensor, self-timer lamp, and the optical viewfinder window. The sculpted surface of the lens cover provides a very slight finger grip, reinforced by a series of raised bumps on the rear panel which serve as a thumb grip.
The right side of the camera (as viewed from the rear) holds only the eyeletfor the wrist strap. At the very bottom of the right panel, the edge of thememory card and battery compartment door is visible.
The opposite side of the camera features the USB, DC In, and Video Out connectorterminals, all uncovered.
On the A210's top panel are the Shutter button, Power switch, and a small Modedial.
The few remaining camera controls are on the rear panel, sharing space with the optical viewfinder and LCD monitor. The Display button crowns the top of the LCD monitor, while the Menu/OK and Back buttons line the right side. The Zoom rocker button in the top right corner controls optical and digital zoom and navigates up and down through the LCD menu. On either side of the Zoom rocker button are two arrow keys, which also navigate menu options. The left arrow toggles Macro mode on or off while the right arrow steps through the flash modes.
Finally, the A210's bottom panel is nice and flat, with the plastic, threadedtripod mount right about center. The shared xD-Picture Card and battery compartmentis adjacent, with a hinged door that slides out before opening. Although I typicallyprefer to have access to the battery and memory card compartments while a camerais mounted to a tripod, I doubt this issue will come into play much on the A210,given its portable nature and point-and-shoot design.
Camera Operation
With full automatic exposure control and only a couple of manual adjustmentsavailable, the A210's user interface is very straightforward and quick to grasp.The Mode dial instantly sets the camera mode, and remaining external controlsare limited to optical/digital zoom, macro and self-timer modes, and the menudisplay. Although you'll have to get into the LCD menu system for basic adjustments,the menu screens are simply laid out, and feature only a handful of optionseach. Thus, you should be able to start shooting with the camera right out ofthe box.

RecordMode Display: The LCD monitor reports very basic information in Recordmode, including the shooting mode, resolution setting, number of available images,and a central focus target. It also reports the flash mode, and macro and self-timersettings. Pressing the Display button enables an alignment grid, which dividesthe image area into thirds vertically and horizontally. A third press disablesthe LCD monitor entirely.
PlaybackMode Display: In Playback mode, the main LCD display shows the filenumber and capture date for a few seconds. Pressing the Display button pullsup the nine-image index display. The Zoom rocker button enlarges the capturedimage as much as 13x, depending on the resolution size.
External Controls
Mode Dial: Surrounding the Shutter button on the camera's top panel,this dial sets the camera's main operating mode. Choices are Record, Playback,and Movie.
Shutter Button: Located on the camera's top panel and encircled bythe Mode dial, this button sets focus and exposure when halfway pressed, andfires the shutter when fully pressed.
Power Switch: To the left of the Shutter button, this sliding switchturns the camera on and off.
Zoom Rocker Button: This two-way rocker button is in the top rightcorner of the rear panel, and controls the optical and digital zoom. In anysettings menu, this button navigates up and down through menu selections.In Playback mode, this button controls the Playback Zoom feature, which enlargescaptured images as much as 13x.
Right and Left Arrow Keys: Flanking the Zoom rocker button in the top right corner of the rear panel, these arrow keys navigate through captured images in Playback mode, as well as through menu selections in any settings menu. When an image has been enlarged, these keys also move around within the view.

In Record mode, the left arrow accesses the Macro shooting mode, and theright arrow key cycles through the available flash modes.
Display Button: Directly above the LCD monitor, this button controlsthe LCD monitor display, and activates the framing grid. It also disablesthe LCD monitor, so you can save battery power by framing images with theoptical viewfinder. In Playback mode, this button also controls the informationoverlay, as well as enables a nine-image index display mode.
Menu/OK Button: Next to the top right corner of the LCD monitor, thisbutton pulls up the settings menu in Playback, Record, or Movie modes. Italso serves as the 'OK' button, to confirm any menu selections.
In Playback mode, when an image has been enlarged, pressing this button savesa cropped copy of the image.
Back Button: Beneath the Menu/OK button, this button backs out ofcamera menus without making changes.
StillImage Record Mode: Marked with a red camera icon on the Mode dial, thismode allows the camera to capture still images. Exposure is automaticallycontrolled, although a 'Manual' option in the settings menu increasesthe menu selections to include Exposure Compensation and White Balance. Pressingthe Menu button displays the following options:
- Quality: Sets the image resolution and quality to 3M (2,048x 1,536 pixels), 2M (1,600 x 1,200 pixels), 1M (1,280 x 960 pixels), or 0.3M(640 x 480 pixels).
- Self-Timer: Activates the 10-second Self-Timer.
- Shooting Mode: Puts the camera into Auto or Manual shooting modes.
- Set-Up: Adjusts the LCD brightness, and offers the a variety of setup menu options (see below).
- Exposure Compensation: (Manual mode only) Adjusts the overall exposure from -2.1 to +1.5 exposure equivalents (EV) in one-third-step increments.
- White Balance: (Manual mode only) Sets the white balance to Auto, Outdoors, Shade, Daylight Fluorescent, Warm White Fluorescent, Cool White Fluorescent, or Incandescent.
- Image Display: Turns the post-image capture review screen on or off.
- Power Save: Turns the power save option on or off. If on, the camera will shut down after 30 seconds of inactivity.
- Format: Formats the xD-Picture Card, erasing all files (even protected ones).
- Beep: Enables the camera's beep sounds, with options for Low, High, or Off.
- Date/Time: Sets the camera's internal clock and calendar.
- LCD: Turns the LCD monitor on or off. If on, the LCD monitor automatically comes on whenever the Mode dial is set to the Still Image Record position. If off, you must enable the display via the Display button.
- Frame Number: Sets the camera to number each successive image continuously from memory card to memory card, or to reset numbering with each new memory card.
- USB Mode: Sets the USB mode to DSC or PC Cam. PC Cam mode lets Windows users use the A210 as a webcam.
- Language: Sets the menu language to one of five languages.
- Video System: Assigns the video signal as PAL or NTSC.
- Discharge: Discharges rechargeable batteries fully, so that they can be recharged from the base level. (Not recommended for alkaline batteries, as this will eliminate the charge entirely.)
- Reset: Resets all camera settings to their defaults.
PlaybackMode: The traditional green playback symbol marks this mode on the Modedial. Here, you can review captured images and movies, as well as manage filesand set up images for printing. Pressing the Menu button displays the followingoptions:
- Erase: Deletes the current frame, or all frames on the memory card.
- DPOF: Marks/unmarks frames for printing on DPOF devices, with an option to include a date and time overlay.
- Protect: Write-protects the displayed image, preventing it from being accidentally erased or manipulated (except via card formatting). Also removes protection, and offers options to protect or unprotect all images on the card.
- Set-Up: Displays the same settings as under the Record menu.
- Playback: Enables an automated slide show of all the captured images on the memory card, with options for transition styles.
MovieMode: Noted by a red movie camera icon on the Mode dial, Movie mode recordsmovies without sound. Pressing the Menu button lets you adjust the resolutionsetting (either 320 x 240 or 160 x 120 pixels), and provides access to thecamera's main Setup menu.
In the Box
In the box are the following items:
- Fuji FinePix A210 digital camera.
- 16MB xD-Picture Card.
- Two single-use, AA-type alkaline batteries.
- Wrist strap.
- USB cable.
- Video cable.
- Cradle adapter.
- Software CD-ROM.
- Instruction manual and registration card.
- Larger capacity xD-Picture Card. (I recommend 32MB as a bare minimum,64MB would be preferable.)
- Two sets NiMH rechargeable batteries and charger.
- Soft camera case.
Recommended Software: Rescue your images!
Just as important as an extra memory card is a tool to rescue your imageswhen one of your cards fails at some point in the future. I get a lot of emailfrom readers who've lost photos due to a corrupted memory card. Memory cardcorruption can happen with any card type and any camera manufacturer, nobody'simmune. A surprising number of 'lost' images can be recovered withan inexpensive, easy to use piece of software though. Given the amount ofemail I've gotten on the topic, I now include this paragraph in all my digicamreviews. The program you need is called PhotoRescue, by DataRescue SA. Readour review of it if you'd like, but download the program now,so you'll have it. It doesn't cost a penny until you need it, and even thenit's only $29, with a money back guarantee. So download PhotoRescue forWindows or PhotoRescue forMac while you're thinking of it. (While you're at it, download thePDF manual and quickstartguide as well.) Stash the file in a safe place and it'll be there when youneed it. Trust me, needing this is not a matter of if, but when...PhotoRescue is about the best and easiest tool for recovering digitalphotos I've seen. (Disclosure: IR gets a small commission from sales ofthe product, but I'd highly recommend the program even if we didn't.)OK, now back to our regularly scheduled review...
Picky Details
Information on shooting speed, battery life, etc. can be found here.
User Reviews
- Fuji FinePix A210 user reviews on PriceGrabber.com
- Fuji FinePix A210 user reviews on PC PhotoREVIEW
Sample Pictures
See our sample pictures and detailed analysis here.The thumbnails below show a subset of our test images. Click on a thumbnailto see the full-size photo.
Test Results
In keeping with my standard test policy, the comments given heresummarize only my key findings. For a full commentaryon each of the test images, see the A210's 'pictures' page.
As with all Imaging Resource product tests, I encourage you to let your own eyes be the judge of how well the camera performed. Explore the images on the pictures page, to see how A210's images compare to other cameras you may be considering.
Not sure which camera to buy? Let your eyes be the ultimate judge! Visit ourComparometer(tm) to compare images from the A210 with those from other cameras you may be considering. The proof is in the pictures, so let your own eyes decide which you like best!
- Color: Pretty good color, but a little trouble with incandescent lighting. The A210 delivered pretty good color throughout my testing, with accurate hue and good saturation levels in most instances. I typically chose the Auto white balance setting as the most accurate, though it often produced similar results to those of the Daylight option. Outdoors, the camera handled the harsh sunlight pretty well (albeit with high contrast, see below), producing good skin tones and an accurate rendition of the always-difficult blue flowers. Indoors, the camera had a little difficulty with incandescent lighting, leaving more of a color cast in the image than I'd have liked, with both the auto and incandescent white balance settings.
- Exposure: Accurate exposure, but high contrast limits highlight and shadow detail under harsh lighting. Exposure-wise, the A210 did a pretty good job overall. The high-key outdoor portrait needed only a small amount of positive exposure compensation, though I had to sacrifice highlight detail to get even reasonably bright midtones. Indoors, the camera performed well, needing only slight positive exposure compensation as well. The Davebox target looked pretty good, the camera differentiating subtle tonal differences quite well there. Under harsh sunlit conditions outside though, the camera's high native contrast caused it to lose both highlight and shadow detail.
- Resolution/Sharpness: Decent resolution for an entry-level camera, 1,000 lines of 'strong detail.' Less than average barrel distortion. The A210 turned in a good performance on the 'laboratory' resolution test chart for an entry-level 3 megapixel camera. It started showing artifacts in the test patterns at resolutions as low as 600-650 lines per picture height, in both horizontal and vertical directions. I found 'strong detail' out to at about 1,000 lines, and 'extinction' of the target patterns occurred at about 1,100 lines.
- Image Noise: Moderate image noise, about average for an entry-level model. The A210 showed what I'd call 'moderate' image noise in the shadow areas of its images. This is an acceptable level for an entry-level camera, particularly since image noise didn't extend into the midtones or highlights.
- Closeups: About average macro area, but great detail and resolution. The A210 performed pretty well in the macro category, capturing an average-sized minimum area of 3.6 x 2.7 inches (91 x 69 millimeters). Color balance was a little warm, but resolution was very high. The dollar bill, coins, and brooch all showed strong detail with good definition. The lower left corner of the frame was a little soft, but everything else is pretty sharp. The flash throttled down quite well for this shot, perhaps even a bit more so than I'd have wished. Overall, a decent macro performer with average coverage.
- Night Shots: Very limited low-light capabilities, plan on using the flash for night exposures. The A210 operates under automatic exposure control at all times, and has a very limited shutter speed range. Thus, the camera has limited low-light shooting capabilities. In my testing, the A210 produced a barely usable image at the one foot-candle (11 lux) light level. Color was good, but the image was really too dark to be acceptable.
- Optical Distortion: Better than average optical distortion. Optical distortion on the A210 is a little less than average at the wide-angle end, where I measured approximately 0.6 percent barrel distortion. The telephoto end fared much better, as I found only half a pixel of barrel distortion there (about 0.03 percent). Chromatic aberration is also low, showing only very faint coloration on either side of the target lines. (This distortion is visible as a very slight colored fringe around the objects at the edges of the field of view on the resolution target.)
- Viewfinder Accuracy: A very tight optical viewfinder, but a more accurate view in the LCD. The A210's optical viewfinder (EVF) is quite tight, showing only 76 percent frame accuracy at wide angle, and about 78 percent at telephoto. The LCD monitor proved more accurate, showing approximately 93 percent accuracy at wide angle, and about 90 percent at telephoto. Given that I like LCD monitors to be as close to 100 percent accuracy as possible, the A210's LCD monitor has a little room for improvement, and the optical viewfinder is much tighter than it should be.
- Battery Life: Surprisingly good battery life for a 2-cell camera. With a worst-case runtime of 2 hours and 40 minutes on a pair of 1600 mAh NiMH AA cells, the A210 shows better than average battery life. I still strongly recommend purchasing at least two sets of high-capacity NiMH batteries and a good-quality charger though. You can find test results of high-capacity NiMH AA cells on my Battery Shootout page, or see this article for a review of my favorite charger.
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